Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sept. 5, 2013 - AHHHHHHHH!!!!

I cant believe this is happening! I leave in MTC in three days! Wow it has gone by so fast yet so slow at the same time! Its crazy! I still dont know when I will be calling but it will probably be in Detroit. But maybe I can call both times. We will see. I had a pretty good week. On Friday we got our travel plans which was so great! It made everything so much more real. But I am super excited to talk to you all! Also, I agree with Ryanne, I think she should get to talk to me too. That would be great. But if its against the rules or anything then thats okay. Im not sure. I dont know what the rules are. And its a good think I have a lot of journals. Turns out I write a lot. I am almost half way through my first one. Last night I got to read Kaylas message that she wrote in my journal the day of my farewell. It was nice finally getting to read it! Also I ended up buying another journal to take more notes in. Good thing I have a lot! I am going to have more stuff to send home. Every dress that you sent me is too short. You said that they dont have to cover our knee anymore but President Lopez is really strict on that kind of thing. He still wants everything mid calf. I loved the dresses and really want to wear them but I dont want to break the rules. I didnt know if you want me to put your address on it or Ashleys? I can just send it to Ash and next time you see her you can get it. Im pretty sure she gave me her new address and I have her phone number so let me know if that will work. I am going to have Sister Nonu drop it off for me on Monday. So whoever is going to pick it up, it will get there on Tuesday.
This week consisted of a lot of lasts. We had mission conference on Sunday and that was so great! I still have one more Sunday here but it wont be mission conference. Also on Sunday (not a last) we watched a video about Joseph Smith. I've seen it before but I love it! It was funny, during part of the movie, Joseph kisses Emma. Everyone started freaking out. It was so funny! Only at the MTC does that happen. Also this week was my last Tuesday night devotional. The speaker was David F. Evans of the seventy. It was a really good devotional. Also today is my last temple trip. Also I finished reading the Book of Mormon this week! That was pretty cool. On Monday we had FHE with the other district. It was really cool. I liked it a lot. We all had been given a question and we went around the room and answered our question and bore a short testimony. It was great! Then at night me and Sister Evans always raid the vending machine. We are given eight dollars a week on our cards so we eat a lot of food from the vending machine. Pretty much we just eat a lot of food all the time. And after eating food from the vending machine, Sister Nonu will come sit on my bed with me while we write in our journals and eat more food with me. Sometimes Sister Masse will come in too. Its great. Thats funny that you mentioned the orange juice. One of the first things we were told was to not drink the orange juice because it will make you sick. We have all avoided it. I dont remember if I brought Tylenol PM or not and I dont know if they have it in the bookstore to maybe just send me some just in case. And Mom stop crying so much! Thats funny that you started crying at the bakery when you found out the Andersons saw me. It was great seeing them but I didnt get to talk to them. They have a big rule when you are hosting that people cant pull over to talk to you. So I was standing on the curb and they drove past and went to pull over. Sister Masse and Sister Nonu were with me so they started yelling kind of because they were like, "No they cant stop!" I ran up and said to keep driving so they hurried and took a picture of me walking and drove off. It was good to see them though. I also saw Mica the other day! It was nice talking to her too. Also was the branch presidency wife you met Sister Hansen? Sister Capik? Sister Hardy? Those are three of the wifes in my branch presidency. Sister Hansen was the one that was in our meeting after the rain so I would assume its her. And you mentioned that you are planning a vacation for when I am back? What are you planning on? You cant say stuff like that and not tell me! And why would you tell me that Susan brought over peach pie? Do you not remember that I love that?! Come on! Now I want peach pie!
Hallie- no I cant say an entire talk in Hiligaynon yet. Im not that good! But I can still talk in minion! My roommates think its great when I sing the banana song. They love it! And thats great that you are still going to do Annie! Im so proud of you! And Im glad you still like basketball. You will be so good when I get back! Youre awesome!
Dad- I did tell you about my rough week! I wrote you a letter telling you all about it. When I said that in Ryannes letter, I was talking about the email because I didnt want everyone to know. Hosting was so much fun! I helped two sisters. They only had like 170 sisters come in on Wednesday so I didnt get to help very many but it was still awesome! I really liked it. This Sunday in sacrament meeting the two districts that are leaving on Monday are singing in church. We are singing come thou fount. I love that song! Its so great! Its weird to think that this Sunday is my last Sunday in the US. Crazy. But Im so excited to leave!
During gym time we have been playing four square. Or what we like to call it, apat square. Its so much fun playing with everyone! Its great! Its funny watching everyone play too. I love it. But I cant wait to talk to you on Monday! It will be so great to hear your voices! I love you all and miss you so much! Palangga ko kamo!
Sister Remund

This statue is on the MTC campus. We thought it was funny that we could do the same thing with our laundry and books.

 I printed the picture that Ashley sent me. I love it! Its so funny!
Sister Nonu will come sit on my bed with me so that we can eat food and write in our journals together.
The two districts speaking Hiligaynon. Except Elder Orr who is speaking Cebuano.
Me and Sister Nonu.

Our district on our last temple walk. We dont get to go this Sunday because we have a devotional for everyone that is leaving next week.

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