Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept. 30, 2013

Hello Family!

Ahhh!!! I cant believe I've been gone for two months already! Its gone by so fast! I had a pretty good week but not much to say about it. Its pretty much the same as the last two weeks I've had here. But yeah, we've continued teaching and having a great time! I love the ward I am in! Its so great! Its still hard understanding everyone but I've gotten much better. Our ward is so funny! There is one sister in our ward who was less active so we started visiting her my first week here because its really the only house we could find but we started teaching her and it was going really well. She has a store in the market though and Sunday is market day so that's why she hasn't been coming to church. Last Sunday she came though and it was so great having her there! She is awesome! We tried visiting her through out the week but she was always gone when we went by so we weren't sure if she would come to church this week. But she did! She told us that she realized that she needs to come to church and said she is coming to church every sunday from now on. Its so great! She is awesome and I love talking with her. She has such a strong testimony! Then there is a guy in our ward who is awesome. I thought he was a RM because his testimony is so strong but he was just baptized in May! He is seriously the nicest person I have ever met. He is always offering to come out with us and show us around. Hes great. His personality reminds me of Kiel a little bit. But yeah I like having him come out with us. And our Bishop is super great. He has been bishop for 10 years now! That's a long time to be bishop. But pretty much everyone in our ward is super funny. I had my first dinner appointment this week! It was a lot of fun! And the food was really good too! I love it! That's cool that Jenessa had her farewell yesterday! I cant believe she is finally going! She is going to love it! I cant wait for her! That's awesome that you went to the cabin. I'm sad I couldn't go this year but I'm glad you had a good time! Weird that no one was there. Its crazy how everyone is growing up so fast and everything is changing. And whats up with grandma going to Hawaii?!?! Are you serious?? That's not even a mission. That's vacation. Haha just kidding. But yeah we should for sure visit her when I get home. That would be pretty neat. Good luck with the marathon this week! I'm sure you will miss all of my help... By help I mean me eating ice cream while you all hand out bread slices. Haha. I will miss that! Haha mom I cant believe you fell at church. Just kidding I can because you fall a lot... Just kidding. I'm the one that is always falling. Speaking of falling/ injuring myself... I might have burned my finger really bad this week. I had a huge blister. Don't worry, I will send a picture. Its great. We were making no-bakes for Sister Solomones birthday and I burned it. Clearly I should leave making no-bakes to Dave, Jeff, Mike, and Mark. Haha. But anyway sorry this week is kind of short. I'm going to send pictures though! I want to leave some time for that. Thanks for emailing me and keeping me updated! I love hearing from you! I love you and miss you all so much! Cant wait to hear from you again!

Sister Remund
 Doing laundry by hand! 

And a fruit that looks really cool! And it tastes really good too!

Tayup is really pretty! 

My blister! Ouch.

A cool little boat in one of our areas. 

The Silay East Ward Choir.  They take their choir SERIOUSLY in the Philippines.  Uniforms required!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and her comment about Kiel - so awesome!
