Sunday, December 7, 2014

Super Typhoon #2!! Typhoon Ruby/ Companion #15

Hello my wonderful family!! I had a great week! As you can see in the subject line, this week was super typhoon #2! As you heard we were on lockdown starting Friday at 6pm and then all day Saturday. Well let me just tell you this, it was a total waste of time. The typhoon did not hit my area at all! Me and Sister Yanson were sitting inside and were going crazy because it wasnt even raining! So we just had a fun day inside doing nothing because we couldnt go out. Then on Sunday we were allowed to work and guess what? It was raining and windy and cold. We were laughing because the whole lockdown was backwards. We should have been working on Saturday and lockdown on Sunday. But its okay. We were happy we could work again. Also, as you saw in the pictures, this week we had zone training! It was great! I really learned a lot and I loved it! I loved it because our leaders turned it into a Christmas devotional because we wont get one this year. President cancelled it. So it was great and the spirit was so strong! The focus of our training was on the video "He is the Gift" and wow, it was just awesome! I absolutely loved it and learned a ton! It really just focuses on the real reason for Christmas and what the real gift of Christmas is. So it was great and I learned a lot! The spirit was just so strong and let me tell you this, the closer I get to coming home, the more my tear buds start turning on. My whole mission Ive been good and havent even cried (a blessing from the mission I guess) but the closer I get to coming home, the more I start crying. I havent actually cried, but Ive gotten really close. And lets just say the zone training was not easy for me to hold my tears in. I just really loved it and I love Christmas! It really helped me to focus on why Im here and on why we really celebrate Christmas so I loved it! Sister Moser told us a joke, she said "what would Christmas be without Christ? Mas- which is what the Catholic church does every Sunday." Haha we all laughed really hard. It was great. Also, Alex is doing great! He wasnt able to attend church again but he has already progressed so much with his word of wisdom! He cut everything in half which is HUGE! We were so happy and proud of him. He is for sure coming to church this Sunday! Im so excited and happy for him! Hes great. We are still trying hard to find new investigators though because we still dont have many. Also, I forgot, I have a new companion! Her name is Sister Rey! And shes actually a full time missionary!!!! Im so excited! She is batch with Sister Maningas (my companion in 5th ward) and she seems great! I just got her this morning so Im excited to spend more time with her. Also, I was supposed to go to Manila tomorrow but I dont know if Im going? We are supposed to go for fingerprints but the office elders never called me. Everyone else in my batch said we are going though and they already got called so Im wondering if I dont have to go because I went in May? But I think I have to because the office elders told me in September that I would be going in December so Im going to text them later to find out. So I might or might not be going to Manila tomorrow! But anyway, I had a great week! I learned a ton and am really feeling the spirit of Christmas! I love it!! And I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Remund

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