Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014

Well I had a great week! Full of many miracles! It was so great! Sister Smoot was still a little sick this week but we were able to go out and work everyday so it was good. We were actually supposed to go back to Bacolod to see the doctor again today but Sister Smoot decided she was healthy enough and we didnt want to make the drive so we stayed in Cadiz. The internet is still bad here. Thats why Im late today. It took us a long time to find an internet shop that had internet and space. But finally I found somewhere! Thank you for all the pictures today! I loved looking at them! KAMRYN- CONGRATS!!!!!! I cant believe it! My little sister is a cheerleader. Well, I can believe it because you are just so good! Of course you made it! Thats so great! I cant wait to watch you cheer when I get home. You will be great! So this week we had a lot of miracles. We contacted some referrals this week and wow, they were so prepared. First was Anna, we went to visit her and we found out she was actually taught by other missionaries before she moved to Cadiz and she was going to get baptized but she got sick and moved to Cadiz. So now we are going to teach her and she wants to get baptized. Shes great. Then we met Princess, Lady Joy, and Chovee. They are great! And the live in our richest area so they will actually have money to come to church! Thats one of the biggest problems here. No one has money to come to church. But they do! We will return to them this week. Then one of our recent converts referred their neighbor to us. We taught them last night and wow, they are great too. Referrals just are great. My whole mission Ive struggled to get referrals but they really are the best. We saw some great things from our referrals this week. It was great! Everything else went pretty good this week too. Guess what? I dont think Ive told you this. This ward is great. We have 31 recent converts right now. We have had weekly baptisms since Ive been here and we have weekly baptisms set up until at least May 3. And we have people we are going to commit for the weeks after that. Its great! And sometime soon we are going to get Elders in our branch so we have to split our area which will be sad because we wont be able to visit investigators any more but Im excited to get Elders in our ward. Overall it was a great week! Thanks for all your emails and pictures today! Also, funny stories. There was one lesson with Melrose, a recent convert, and I didnt know how to say something in Ilonggo so I said it in English. She was like 'Sister I dont understand." Because shes practically an orphan and has never been to school so she doesnt know any English. Thats what anyone will say though if we talk in English. So Sister Smoot said though "Its okay if you dont understand, you will feel the spirit testify to what she is saying." Then a while later, I didnt know how to say something again (yeah... Im not that great at Ilonggo) so I said it in English and she just starts patting her heart and said "Yes Sister, I feel it." It was really funny. Then in another lesson, we were talking about the priesthood and Sister Smoot asked what some responsibilities of women are because we taught it to all sisters. Nicole, the 12 year old, responded with "nagamens." We were just like, what? We didnt know what that meant. So we asked and she said "Menstruation!" It was really funny. So that was my week. It was great! I hope you all have a great week! I love you!

Sister Remund

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