Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014

Hello Everyone!!

I had a pretty good week. I came to my new area on Tuesday which is Magsungay. Its in Bacolod so Im right next to everything pretty much. My companion is Sister Laulu and its great! Compared to Silay my area is super small but there are a lot of people. So its okay. There are a lot of really great people here. The ward is a lot different from my last ward but its still good. I was a little sad this week and at church but for the most part I was still really happy. I tried to stay positive the whole week. This area is super confusing though. Everything looks the same and I still have a hard time remembering people and where they live but Ive only been here one week so I will get better. Its crazy though. I already love the people here. They are great. Me and Sister Laulu get along really well. Shes the batch before me so she has only been out a month longer than I have. But everything is going good. My goal for this transfer though is to be exactly obedient. In Silay we were exactly obedient for the most part and thats my goal here. Its been a little rough this week because me and Sister Laulu do things a little different so thats my goal for now. Ive realized how big a difference it makes when we are exactly obedient. So I will work on that. Sometimes its just hard because Im trying to be exactly obedient but it doesnt really work when your companion isnt. But we will work on that.But we still had a great week. I was able to see Sister Nielsen! Her companion also got transferred so she was at Galo on Tuesday. It was really good to see her. And I will probably see her again today. She is in my zone now! So Im excited for that. The reason we think they did transfers randomly is because 27 missionaries went back to Tacloban. We dont know who or if they were from our mission, Sister Hogge just gets updated every week on how its going and she heard that 27 missionaries went back. They are going to slowly bring them all back. So thats why we think they did transfers but we dont know for sure. Overall I had a good week. Thats crazy that Ryanne is in the MTC! I cant believe it! Im so excited for her. And I cant believe Taylor and Tom submitted their papers! Make sure you tell me when they get their calls. And Jake is coming home! I feel like he just left yesterday. Its crazy how fast everything goes. And I hit my 6 month mark last week! I cant believe Ive already been gone for 6 months! I only have a year left. Its crazy. Everything is going by too fast. I feel like I just left the MTC yesterday. Its crazy. Thats funny that you cried when Ryanne left though. I would have too. Thats cool that Sister McDonald is in the Philippines! I can see her doing something like that. I for sure will want to read the article! Thats so cool! Also I got your letters this week! I got them the day I transferred. I was sooooooo excited!!!!! Thank you so much! I love getting mail! I also got a letter from the Nielsens. My ma and pa on the trek. That was really nice of them. Thats cool that you get to go to camp mom. Im sure Hallie was super excited. Camp just wouldnt be the same without all the Remunds! Well, it sounds like everything is going great. That picture of Hallie is super cute! I love it! And sorry but, I dont have a picture with Sister Laulu yet. I will send some pictures but I dont have one of her. Next week. But I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Remund

Me and Sister Uata.

Silay district. My last district meeting with them.

Me and Sister De Castro.

Sister Hogge!!!! She is probably my favorite person here. She helped me so much while I was in Silay and I cant wait to see her again. It was sad because she will probably go back to Tacloban soon so I probably wont see her again until I get home. So it was sad. But its okay. When she goes back to Tacloban at least I will be able to email her! So thats good. 
Sister Hogge had a harder time saying goodbye to my pillow than to me.

Thats my minion pillow. Sister Hogge loved it! She held it the whole district meeting. I love my minion pillow. I bought that my first transfer here and its the best thing ever. I knew you all would love it too.

Me and Sister Young. Shes the one that wrote Denny. She was also in Silay east ward.

Me and Sister Evans. Sister Evans is companions with Sister Piula again. They were companions in the MTC! It was really funny when we found out.

My last night in Silay. We had a FHE with the Morales family and Rosela. It was so much fun! They started crying when I told them I was transferring. It was sad. But we played a super fun game and thats why I have black on my face.

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