Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

Hello Family!

Sorry Im late today. We went to Patag with the other sisters in Silay! It was so cool! The reason we went there is because there are falls there and they are really pretty. It was a ton of fun! We had to walk through water to get there and it felt so good! I loved it! I will send some pictures of it later. I love all the pictures you sent me from Halloween! Looks like you all had fun! Was Kiel at the house carving pumpkins with you? Did you carve pumpkins with all of them? Hallie I like your costume! And your pumpkin is by far the coolest thing I have ever seen! I love minions! Speaking of Halloween, you asked about proselyting in the graveyard! It started great! Except we were only there for five minutes. We taught one lesson and then had to come home. Sister Nielsen got sick. So we came home and she slept the rest of the day and I caught up on my journal and cleaned and just relaxed mostly. I was sad we didnt get to do it but it was still okay. She woke up the next day feeling much better! And good thing she did because Saturday was our mission tour with Elder Andersen! It was so cool! I got to shake his hand! It was so great and we also heard from Elder Clayton who is in the presidency of the seventy. It was a great meeting. And then on Sunday we had stake conference and Elder Andersen was there too! I was lucky because he came to my stake and the other missionaries didnt get to hear from him again. After stake conference, we were leaving and we were in the parking lot outside when he came out. It was me, Sister Nielsen, Sister Solomone, and Sister Dixon standing there. He came over and was like "keep up the good work sisters!" It was so cool! He talked to us! It was awesome! Other than that it was a pretty normal week. Did I tell you about Kynan? He is so great! His baptism is on the 23 and really I dont even think we need to teach him ever again. Hes awesome. Hes already talking about serving a mission when he is old enough. Hes 16 right now so he still has a few years but he never misses anything! He is so great and I love teaching him. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. This week I have follow up training with my batch and with President. Im excited for that. And Sister Nielsen is excited too because she hasnt been to one since hers. She trained one other girl before me but she didnt get to go to follow up training because she got transferred and got me! She has gotten a new companion every transfer. Im the first one she has had for more than one transfer. Thats why I thought one of us would get transferred but we didnt! So thats cool. But one thing I heard this week is that Im not supposed to have an active facebook account so dont ever get on there and update anything. And maybe stop tagging me in pictures. But you can add us as a friend on facebook! Just dont talk to me on there. Mom I cant believe you arent in YW anymore! Thats so sad! That stinks that you might not be there for Hallie. But Im sure you will find a way to get up there. My bites arent bad. I havent gotten any this week. Yes I wash my sheets. Yes I use spray. No I dont need Sister Chin to look at them. Im fine. Hallie- its your decision but you would learn so much from coach Jensen! I loved him as a coach and he would make it so much fun! Hes the best coach Ive ever had! (besides dad) But whatever you want to do, basketball is still basketball and it will be fun no matter what! That stinks that Chelsi Green is in the hospital. I will pray for her. That would stink if she had to come home. Hopefully she gets better soon. But Im going to send some pictures now! Thanks for emailing and for sending pictures! I love them just as much as you love getting pictures from me! I love you and miss you all so much!

Sister Remund

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