Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thursday, August 22 from the MTC.

Hello family!
How are you? Everything at the MTC has been great! I'm still having a great time! A couple hard days but that is to be expected! Thank you so much for the bread! You have no idea how good it tasted! I missed bread so much! And please tell Jeff and Susan thank you so much for the package! They put all my favorites in there! Funny story: when I picked up my package that was in the great harvest box, a couple elders saw it and were like "Great Harvest?! Do they deliver?" It was funny. I've seen a few people I know! I saw Mike Stanley! He is a teacher here! And I saw Justin Morgan (Jenessa's friend) and I saw Brooke Riley today! Its always nice seeing familiar faces! This week we heard from Maria Torres on the general relief society board. She spoke to us in relief society on Sunday. For our Sunday night devotional we heard from Vai Sikahema who played football for BYU and also played for a few teams in the NFL. It was cool hearing from him. Then on Tuesday our devotional was by Richard J. Maynes who is in the presidency of the seventy. He talked about our missionary purpose! It was really cool. I love all the devotionals and the speakers. They are always amazing.
I need more clothes! Most of the shirts that I brought are too low at the neck. They are really stick about that. That's mostly what I am sending home. Also if you could look for a couple more skirts and a dress that would be great. I forgot to bring a dress. Also I don't need you to pick them up. I can mail them home from here. I don't know how I would have you pick them up. I cant really take it anywhere that you would be able to get it. So I will just send it. I don't think I have anymore cravings, mostly it was just bread. And I'm doing good on cash. I haven't really used any. I've used it on a couple things but I've only spent maybe 20 dollars. That's cool that dad is working on the laundry room in the basement and then starting on the patio. I cant wait to see all the improvements in 18 months! Also I loved the story on the girl from Arizona who served a mission! I don't know if I would be able to do that. I definitely don't know the language good enough to do that.
Good luck to Hallie on trying out for Annie! I know you will do great! I wish I could sing like you so that I could have done something like that! That will be amazing! And so cool that you get to play up with the 7th and 8th graders for basketball! Clearly you are much more talented than I ever was! I cant wait to see how much you have improved when I get back! I cant believe that you have to wake up at six for school. That's earlier than I get up! I thought my schedule was hard! And I dont care if you eat all my food. It will be bad by the time I get back. Any food in my room is yours Hallie! I give you permission to eat it all! (as long as you don't eat it at once and get fat... Just kidding that's impossible, your too little)
You asked where I was at in the Book of Mormon, I just finished Alma and am starting Helaman! Yay! And so cool that Justin got a job at IHC! His dream job! Yay! Good luck with that Justy! Please tell Cay and Kirk thank you so much! That is so cool that they are doing that! Last night, me and Sister Smith were singing in the room and shooting each other with toy guns her dad sent her. I don't think we are supposed to have them but... it was fun. We were singing wicked. Which might not be mission appropriate either... Oops.
For sacrament meeting on Sunday, they have everyone prepare a talk and no one knows who is talking until they announce it. I am always so scared I am going to have to talk. This week I really felt like I would have to talk, but I didn't! Sister Smith did! It was funny. I kept saying that it was going to be me and then it was her. But she did a really good job.
Everything that happens here is really funny. Well, to us it is. We were thinking about it, and realized that since we have practically been in a box for the past three weeks, everything seems funny, but really its not. And also some things wouldn't be funny to you because you don't know the people here. But a couple funny stories anyway. Every Tuesday morning they check our classroom to make sure its clean. Since I am related to Sherri Remund, I always try and make sure it looks good. Well Sister Masse and Sister Nonu decided to play a trick on us and write on the paper that tell us what is good and what is bad. They said a lot of things weren't good and so me and Sister Smith got mad and wanted to look for the person that does the room checks and ask them what we needed to do better. They thought it was so funny. Well, me, Sister Smith, Sister Evans, and Sister Piula are planning our revenge. And I saved the note and put it in my journal. We will get them back. Haha.
At gym we have been playing volleyball every night. I would play basketball, but everyone likes playing volleyball and I like being around them so I play volleyball too. It is so funny! None of us are really good. There are a couple elders who are pretty good but no one takes it seriously. There was one night, I set the ball and told Sister Masse to spike it. She went up to spike it and totally miss hit it so it almost hit me in the face! The ball went completely sideways! It was so funny! And she always does a little kick whenever she touches the ball. Its really funny. We always are on the same team so that we can laugh at each other. She laughs at me a lot too. We both make a lot of mistakes and we just laugh and laugh. Its a lot of fun. Well I have been on the computer for a long time now so I better get off! (I didn't look at what time I got on in the laundry room and since its not timed I have no idea how long I was on for... oops.) Well I hope everything is going great in St. George! I miss you all so much and cant wait to hear from you again! Palangga ta ka!
Sister Remund

Me with my bread! I love it! My district and the other district love it too!

My package from Jeff and Susan. Tons of food!
I saw Brooke Riley today!

Package from you guys and Susan. 
Me and Sister McDonald.
She described a car like a companionship. The steering wheel is the spirit. The wheels are the companions. As companions we have to be unified or else the spirit cant direct us. If we arent unified, we will go in different direction, but when wheels on a car arent going in the same direction, the car cant move.

Sister Masse, Elder Greening, me, and Sister Piula.
Sister Russon, me, and Sister Bahm.
Me and Sister Clegg.

Sister Lolesi, me, and Sister Clegg.
They are my sister training leaders. This was on there last temple walk. They leave on Monday.

All the sisters in our zone. Except for Sister Smith (my companion) and Sister Evans (Sister Piulas companion) They went to choir.

The sisters in the other district and Sister Lolesi our sister training leader.
Sister Malyon, me, and Sister Peterson.
This is the face Sister Masse always makes. I think I told you about it in my last email. She has the biggest frown I have ever seen but she also has the biggest smile. Its great.

Sister Masse is my Ryanne. She is one of the funniest girls here. We get along really well. She is one of the sisters going to IloIlo. It makes me sad to think that we wont be in the same mission. But thats okay. We will be friends when we get back. 
This is the district next to us that also speak Hiligaynon. Most of them are going to Bacolod but some are going IloIlo.
Then its me and Sister Nonu. Sister Nonu in my Laura Davis
We have to try and have fun in the classroom. We get bored.
You have never seen a more excited missionary to receive a Bible in a language they cant understand. Brother Hong got these for us and when Sister McDonald saw them, she was so surprised. She said she never saw a Bible in Hiligaynon her entire mission. They had to use Tagalog Bibles.

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